Selasa, 17 Maret 2009
hufhhhh hari ini gw cuapeg banged,
tp gw seneng banget downlod mp3 dikantor super sukses.akhirnya kelar smuwa hhoo...
Music is What we aim for , huhuyyy....
Emouww this mySong euyy....
Scream and Sing it Loud bebz!!!
bedewey , hr ini gw lg di malesin ma orang ni!!!
entah mengapakah itu terjadi ??? Nguk2 tanya knapa,hagz....
hheee gw ga ngerti maksud ituw .
taw ga EP itu ???
kalo ga taw tanya dong jangan langsung hakimi sendiri dari pada malu sendiri,
itu toh kalo punya malu kalo ga it's okey...(hhee)
tapi akhirnya sih dah ga males lagi deh, makasih yah udah bisa dengerin penjelasannya.
tp gw yakin kug lo bisa, karna gw taw semua sifat lo.
THREE CHEERS FOR TWO YEARS gt loh......(kapan yah lo sadarin itu???)
Too late, I'm sure and lonely
Another night, another dream wasted on you
Just be here now again me
You know the words so sing along for me baby
For heaven's sake I know you're sorry
But you won't stop crying
This anniversary may never be the same
Inside I hope you know I'm dying
With my heart besides me
In shattered pieces that may never be the replaced
And if I died right now you'd never be the same
hikz hikz hikz hikz ...knapa si minggu ini gw jadi cengeng gini ???
mungkin smua ini karena lo ga pnah mikirin dan sadar akan semuanya...
it's okey kalo emang lo suka maen2 dengan perasaan. tp asal lo taw yahhh .....TWO YEARS
segalanya telah kuberikan ,tapi kau tak pernah ada perhatian .....
hheee itu lagu bend mana yah kug br denger gw nya,hhiiiiiii.
ada yg maw nerusin lagu itu ga ???kalo ada angkat tangan dong biar gw taw.
yyooo 1 2 3 mulai .........
cut cut cut ,ganti aghhh ga serruuww....
qita next ajah lagunya.
kayaknya lebih seru lagunya Diamonds nya Breathe Carolina sambil jedag jedug dan jingkrak jingkrak,huwahahaha...
And we will find our way there
live like delicates
before we go you'll know
the spotlight lives in all of us.
(and it's the OO)
and we'll set the stage
and walk away to find what's taken
(and it's the OO)
and we'll set the stage
and walk away to find you
you watch the way i'm talkin
and i'll watch the way you're walkin
i got the lines that'll be in you tonight
so take a listen while we glisten in the summer weather
we got the wine we just shake shake make it better
don't you want to wear my diamonds.
don't stop, don't stop, don't stop till you get on top
the beat won't stop till i...
(and it's the OO)
and we'll set the stage
and walk away to find what's taken
(and it's the OO)
and we'll set the stage
and walk away to find you
come on (make it better), let's do it(make it better), you know that this won't last forever (make it better)
(and it's the OO)
and we'll set the stage
and walk away to find what's taken
(and it's the OO)
and we'll set the stage
and walk away to find you
"are you listening to everything that we have said?"
"are you listening to everything that we will say?"
gw slalu inget lo tiap kali denger lagu ni,
berharap lo juga slalu ingad dengan your call yah !!! this our song
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